Help me with my Breakfast!

Dear Valerie, Please help!  I am so bored of eating the same things for breakfast.  I have type 2 Diabetes and feel so limited to what I can eat.  Do you have any suggestions that will help me keep my blood sugar levels in check and get me out of my boredom? Thanks a million, Shirley   Dear Shirley, I can understand why you feel limited and thank you for sharing your breakfast dilemma.  Did you know that people in…

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Homemade Juicing benefits vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and more…..

Did you know that when you make juice from raw vegetables, your body absorbs the nutrients within 15 seconds?  Talk about an energy shot!   No need to buy those sugary and chemical-ish concoctions from your local drug-store or mini-mart.   Juicing is an all-natural way to boost your energy and feel amazing.   When you juice your fruits and veggies, you end up extracting all the water and nutrients from them and leave behind only the plant fibers.  …

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What does our digestion have to do with our moods?

Your gut, aka (also known as) “inside our intestines”, has been proven to be our body’s literal “second brain”.   For years, the medical world has been trying to figure out what causes our moods to change and what causes common problems that most of us face like stress, anxiety, and even depression.   These are common problems, and we know they are linked to serotonin, but did you know that 95% of serotonin isn’t even produced in the brain?  Serotonin is produced in…

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The skinny truth about eating dietary FATS…

  For years, health experts claimed that a low-fat diet was the gateway to health.  They proclaimed fats as the enemy, linking them to cardiovascular and other diseases.  The food industry jumped on this “theory” and bombarded us with fat-free and low-fat “food” options.  A walk down the supermarket aisle will confirm our obsession with low-fat or fat-free foods.  To ensure that flavor was not compromised, sugars were added in increasing amounts.  So, while our low-fat or fat-free options exploded, so…

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Giving into your CRAVINGS – Sweet? Savory? Creamy? Crunchy?

Cravings happen even to the healthiest of us.  Often, when a craving hits in the afternoon or the evening after dinner, we get the urge to snack.   Snacking can be a bad habit to get into, because the snacks we choose are often sugary and packaged convenient foods, un-nutritious, and high in calories, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, or unhealthy fat. The trick to snacking without piling on the pounds is to find healthy alternatives to the regular snacks…

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